connection between my friends in my current school.

On the first day at the new school in Paris, I was surprised that there were only 12 kids total in my classroom. Because of the number, I thought they all got along pretty well, but i was quite wrong. R (a funny but selfish guy) and T (a kind guy) looked like best buddies. They were funny, and good at basketball. Their friendship looked as if it was flawless. But one day, when I was alone with T, he told me that he just hated R, and a lot of other people in class do too. I did kind of understand him, but I didn't know why he acts as if he's R's best friend at school. That was one big case to me, but there was another one. There's a boy named C (a stay-at-home guy that's pretty smart but makes fun of people sometimes) in my class that sometimes doesn't come to school because he forgets his homework, or he just doesn't want to go. He sometimes makes fun of people without noticing, so I thought he wasn't really liked. But, I heard from another guy that a lot of kids actually like C because he doesn't like R. So, there is an R side, and a C side in my class. Totally difficult. And since I pretty much like them both, I'm kind of in the middle. Good grief!