connection between my friends in my current school.

On the first day at the new school in Paris, I was surprised that there were only 12 kids total in my classroom. Because of the number, I thought they all got along pretty well, but i was quite wrong. R (a funny but selfish guy) and T (a kind guy) looked like best buddies. They were funny, and good at basketball. Their friendship looked as if it was flawless. But one day, when I was alone with T, he told me that he just hated R, and a lot of other people in class do too. I did kind of understand him, but I didn't know why he acts as if he's R's best friend at school. That was one big case to me, but there was another one. There's a boy named C (a stay-at-home guy that's pretty smart but makes fun of people sometimes) in my class that sometimes doesn't come to school because he forgets his homework, or he just doesn't want to go. He sometimes makes fun of people without noticing, so I thought he wasn't really liked. But, I heard from another guy that a lot of kids actually like C because he doesn't like R. So, there is an R side, and a C side in my class. Totally difficult. And since I pretty much like them both, I'm kind of in the middle. Good grief!

If Amelia and Finn come to Kyoto.

My curent summer break plan is to go to Gibsons and Victoria in Canada. But I thought of an alternative plan. The plan is to invite Amelia and Finn and maybe Antie Susan to our house in Kyoto if possible. I think this will be a great plan because they've never been to Japan. Kyoto is indeed on the countryside of Japan. However, there is a river realy close by to go swimming, and some good food to eat, and lots more other stuff. I think Amelia and finn will like it since there are some similarities to Canada. And, we can always go to Osaka for awesome food as a backup plan. I'm sure it'll be an great trip for them.

Morning Running

Our first class for today was PE. We're doing some long distance runs lately, so it's hard for people who aren't ready for them. 10, 20 or sometimes 30min full run. I'm not really good at short distance runs, but I can put my nose up for long ones. There's only 12 kids in total in my class. One boy keeps getting in front of me, but I got him back last run. But I tell youm two of the girls run like monsters. I kept losing on every run so far. But this time, I did it. Well, kind of. The sports type Japanese girl I passed, but Anastasia the Blizzardborn was doing great today. Whenever she gets past me, my class teacher teases me a little. In the last 30 seconds, I used the rest of my energy and ran as fast as I could. Aaaaaaand, it was a tie. Well, I'll try harder next time!


I woke up in the orange haze of the morning light.

Everything is so still. I feel my hands touching the soft grass, and hear the wind rushing through the trees nearby. Just lying down, it's almost like I can hear mother nature's voice, as if she's talking to me. There is just one question, where am I ? Slowly, I sit up. I look around, but only see endless rolling hills. I can hear my heart starting to beat in high tempo, fear passes my thoughts, my hand trembling. How long ago was it since I had this feeling? 5 years? 10 years? Or was this the first time? My head goes blank and I stumble to a nearby tree. Leaning on it, I take a deep breath. I wait for a flashback of memory, nothing. Was I drunk? Or, was I kidnapped and thrown away in this place?

The Book of Everything

A long long time ago...

A mysterious flying object landed on Earth, although no one noticed. Because there was no one to notice. It was before humanity was set upon this earth. Two creatures came out of the object. They did some scanning, measuring et cetera. They seemed to figure out that there were no man-made (or other) structures on this planet yet, so they decided to leave a book. However, the book was not normal. Its size was huge, but it wasn't that. It was … what was written in it. Every single thing that you can think of was written there. The chemical formula for every substance, the dark secrets of the depths of outer space, the guide to building everything from a campfire to a time machine, the explanation of love, peace and unity. Everything was written in the book. The two creaters put the book in a strong egg-shaped capsule. And, they left...

A few million years later...

A plane flew above in the sky. Dropping the first, and yet the deadliest, bomb in the middle of a desert. There were no victims, since it was just a "test". No one spotted an egg-shaped metal object half hidden in the sand, and it was too late... The object and the book in it were blown up and burnt to pieces by the bomb.

And that bomb, that single bomb, was going to leave a big scar in human history a few years later...

Finding Alaska

I missed school today because of a stomach ache. Don't really miss school often, but when I do, shit gets real. Just kidding. Not really. So I started reading a new book from the library, "Finding Alaska". No it's not about a great traveler exploring the uncharted, it's about some high school student friends and their lives... I really wanted to read "Mockingjay", but Dad hasn't got it for me yet, so I started reading this one instead.  I don't think I'm at the part where I know what's going on, but it is interesting in a weird way... I'm bad at reviewing, but this is a prize-winning book so take a look at it! 


